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JUNE 2019: Each year, the California Boys State Convention takes place at California State University Sacramento. These photos show volunteers from District 6 as they welcome young delegates from all over the state to the 2019 Convention.
JANUARY 2019: Photo from the District 6 general meeting on 6 JAN 2018.
JULY 2018: California Boys State Delegate Josh Cheadle was elected as a delegate to the 2018 Boys Nation Convention in Washington, D.C. He was then elected as the President of Boys Nation.

Click here to see Josh's video.
JANUARY 2018: The Sacramento Kings and Sharif Jewelers awarded their Home Town Hero Award to Don Harper. Don was recognized for over 25 years of service as an advocate for Veterans' causes.
MARCH 2017: Our annual Veterans Legislative Day took place at the State Capitol in Sacramento. State Senator Janet Nguyen recently sponsored two Veteran-related bills (SB 409 and SB 410). Senator Nguyen was ejected from the Senate chamber for speaking against Tom Hayden and his anti-war protesting during the Vietnam War. Soon afterward, we held a press conference and rally at the State Capitol to defend the Senator's First Amendment right of free speech. Senator Nguyen's life story is very inspiring, and she loves America and all Vietnam Veterans. We need more veterans running for office in California.

Don Harper, Chair
Legislative Commission
The American Legion, Department of California